One of the best things about U.S. law is that there are so many different areas of it that cover all aspects of life. Among the many different areas of law that attorneys can specialize in,
elder law is just one. Elder law comprises of helping aged people plan for their future and for what happens after they pass away. While it's not a subject that people enjoy talking about, it's a necessity for all seniors.
Attorneys who practice elder law can help elderly people with all aspects of their current life and assets.
Many different issues fall under the elder law heading, but some of the most common are outlined here.
Estate Planning
It's crucial that a properly executed will is prepared for you to make sure your estate is adequately handled after your death. Meeting with
estate lawyers to discuss your heirs and last wishes are crucial if you have an estate of any size. A will that clearly and concisely states who will inherit what and how your estate is to be distributed can prevent your heirs from squabbling about your estate after you've passed away.
Protecting Seniors from Abuse
This is one of the most distressing examples of why you may want to consult an
attorney specializing in concerns of the elderly. If you have an aged parent who is in a nursing home, receiving skilled nursing care, or being cared for by someone else and you suspect that your parent is being neglected or abused, you must consult with a litigation attorney as soon as possible who specializes in cases of elder abuse. They can give you the guidance and support you need while investigating and filing suit against the abuser or abusers.
It may be necessary to establish a conservatorship over an elder's estate when proper
estate planning documents have not been put into place. To make financial decisions essential and healthcare for an elder court intervention is sought to grant someone the authority.
Help with Financial Planning
Are you planning to retire? Then an
elder law specialist can help you develop a stable, long-term financial plan that will protect your finances while allowing you to live comfortably in your golden years.
Estate lawyers can also help you choose an appropriate nursing home or assisted living facility when the time comes and oversee your finances to make sure your bills are paid, and your property is handled correctly.
Social Security Disputes
Social security is a financial safety net for many seniors after retirement. Depending on the monthly checks you receive from social security can be difficult, particularly if you don't feel you're receiving appropriate benefits. If you have a dispute over your social security payments, an
elder law litigation attorney can represent you and protect your interests, helping you get the social security benefits you deserve.
elder law attorney can be an excellent partner for you as you plan out the legal and financial aspects of the next stage of your life or the life of a loved one.
Learn more about attorney Sean J. Nichols and the legal services he provides for clients including: estate planning, elder law issues, Medicaid planning, elder care, probate law, guardianships, and power of attorney (POA) at To contact the offices of Sean J Nichols call 734.386.0224 today.